Monday, May 14, 2012

38 Week Dr. Appointment

Well, had my 38 week appointment today and the doctor said things are really progressing. I'm already dilated to 5cm, 50% effaced and his head is at 0 Station! Half way there already! 
He asked about contractions and yes, I've been having them, but honestly, I've had menstrual cramps that were worse.  

We are hosting a graduation at our house on Friday and the doctor doesn't seem to think I'll be there or maybe I'll go during. I really hope he either comes tonight or tomorrow morning and I can be home on Thursday, or... he waits until Saturday. Either way, he's coming soon! 

We are so excited! get to work so I can get some things done for school seeing as I won't be there much longer! 


  1. Sounds like he'll come soon if you're already halfway to 10 cm and 100%! Exciting!

  2. Try not to read into it too much! I was 5cm and 80% for 2 weeks with daughter. Just trust your body and baby know what they are doing :) good luck!

  3. Well...Graysen came a day and a half later! New post coming soon!
