Wednesday, February 15, 2012

25 Weeks!

How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs
Milestones: Baby has a new sense of equilibrium and knows what's up...and down! He's also gaining more fat and hair. 
Baby Is The Size Of: an Eggplant 
Sleep: Sleep is so so. Lot's of tossing and turning. I keep Tim awake with my pregnancy snoring. Apparently now that my sinuses are enlarged and swollen from pregnancy...I snore! Hopefully that will go away! 
Best Moment This Week: Getting to SEE Graysen kick on the outside! I had to stare a long time, but yep...there it was...saw him give a punch/jab/kick. We also got the crib this week!! Now the room needs to get painted so we can set it up!!
Miss Anything?: I miss being able to sit for a period of time without my rib being in excruciating pain! I also miss being able to go more than 1 hour without peeing! The bathroom is my new favorite spot!  
Movement?: Lots and lots of movement!! Even SEEING the movements now!
Food Cravings: Not really any cravings anymore. I think he's going to like spicy/Mexican food. I was craving mini tacos and Chipotle for awhile. A lot of people think browning hamburger was gross while pregnant, but I didn't mind usually meant I was going to get to eat tacos or burritos! :) 
Things That Make Me Queasy: Raw meat, Onions, Pledge, Our dog's smelly gas!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: Maybe some Braxton Hicks but nothing serious or alarming. 
Symptoms: A lot of indigestion! I am getting bigger every day!! You'll see from the picture. I didn't do a 24 week so it seems like a lot from weeks 23 to 25. I have slight swelling in my hands/feet, especially in the morning. That dreaded brown line on my belly appeared this week as well! Morning sickness is back!!!! Not bad, but slightly nauseous when I wake up lately!
Inny or Outy: Pretty flat now. 
Wedding Band On or Off:  On though it's getting tighter. I had it off for a couple days. 
Mood Most Of The Time: Most of the time, I'm happy. I had a little freak out last night over nothing. Just cried for like 30 minutes. Overall though, I'm ecstatic! We are seeing Graysen move, I'm feeling better, for the most part...morning sickness is back though. Slightly nauseous  in the mornings when I first get up. 
Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery ready! I'll post pictures as we go. Also getting to go away on a mini vacation with my hubby and his cousin and wife for Tim's birthday. A 3 day weekend is definitely what the doctor ordered!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mommy to be,
    Congratulations on your little boy, you look absolutely amazing. When I had my little boy (almost 3 years ago) people asked me if I would circumcise. I had to do my homework and found out thinks I didn't know. I try to encourage families to be to do their homework, too and not give them my opinion. Please check out and listen to what Dr. Dean Edell says. I also think watching a circ is important: go to youtube for that. In the end we kept our son whole and I am happy with that because he had feeding issues and hardly got any breastmilk for the first 3 days. All the best to you and your family.
