Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Christmahannakwanzaakah!

Merry Christmas everyone! (and Happy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa!) AND...Happy 40th birthday to my wonderful husband Tim! He had our traditional Bloody Marys to celebrate. I watched! Our good friend and my "sister from another mister", Karin and her mom joined us along with my mom and dad. Karin is 30 on the 26th. Tim really liked his present. Aside from a baby on the way, I surprised him with cage fighting tickets at Treasure Island Casino. He and his cousin, Chuck can go while Chuck's wife Julie and I do something else. We also had a "surprise" breakfast at school for him yesterday where he was presented with 30 bottles of HOT SAUCE! His favorite condiment! He asks way too many questions so it wasn't a complete surprise! Oh was a fun time anyway!
 I don't have a 16 week picture because this week has been CRAZY! Now that I'm already 16 weeks and 4 days, I'll probably just wait until 17 weeks to post a picture. This week was filled with lots of excitement. I'm feeling the baby kick more and more but...also had 3 horrible gallbladder attacks and have to go in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to look for gall stones or kidney stones. :( The doctor said it could be the baby putting pressure on the tube and twisting it so it catches, but she thinks more towards the area of a stone! Whatever it was the WORST pain I've felt! Knocked me to the ground. Tim almost took me to the ER on Tuesday night. We'll have to wait until Tuesday to see what they find. Won't even get to see the baby at this ultrasound because it's a totally different kind/area.
We do have an ultrasound scheduled for January 10th though. The question will be....He? She? We'll look and see! Can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl. We are leaning towards girl but who knows. The ultrasound tech will probably get annoyed with me/us because having a degree in early childhood development, I'll want to see the closed spine and palette! It's getting so much more real as my belly gets bigger (looking less and less beer bellyish) and the baby is moving more and more (or I can just feel it more and more). Happy Holidays everyone! I'll be back in a few days with photos.

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